PRADITA DIRGANTARA SMA (Boyolali) –, a work made by Dheyang Annisa Widayanti and Hidayah Sulistio Jati, two grade XII students of SMA Pradita Dirgantara who won a gold medal in the graphic design category at the 2020 Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship and Innovation Festival (FIKSI) organized by the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture, in collaboration with the Ruang Inspirasi Muda Foundation.
Quoted from the official website of FIKSI, the national-level festival which is held online in 2020 is expected to be a forum for Indonesia’s young generation, especially high school students, to be able to continue to increase their confidence and skills in innovating to produce ideas and entrepreneurial creations. The festival with the theme “5Preneur (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace & Partnertship)” establishes a gradual selection, namely business plan selection, presentation selection and interviews with the culmination of an expo or innovation product exhibition to prove and celebrate the results of innovation and creativity of students who have value. selling. is an entrepreneurial innovation in the field of graphic design with the theme of Solo Raya culture in the form of a new normal starter kit product consisting of masks, pouches, tumblr, tote bags, and gloves. “Preparations are made starting from July by determining the concept of flat design and solo culture through the Adobe Illustrator and Medibang Paint applications. Preparations were also made for making teaser videos in accordance with the provisions of FIKSI. Socialization about Expo and Virtual Web was held during the semifinals. The Entrepreneurship Teacher of SMA Pradita DIrgantara, accompanies the preparation of business proposals, makes various designs digitally, the production process becomes ready-to-use goods and enters the final stage as well as the online FIKSI expo. This includes preparation for presentations and interviews in front of the judges in a virtual manner, ”said Dheyang when explaining about the festival preparations.
“Alhamdulillah, we didn’t expect to get a gold medal. Entering the top 3 is already grateful, considering the competition is very good. was founded because of the 2020 FIKSI competition. We got the idea to make new normal starter kits by from the theme of the FIKSI competition itself. The name comes from the word kelana, with the hope that in the future will not only raise the Solo Raya motive, but also the motifs throughout Indonesia with the aim of introducing and preserving local culture in Indonesia, “Hidayah said.
“At SMA Pradita Dirgantara, students are invited to recognize their interests and talents and are guided to survive and contribute in real life. Students are taught to think critically about the problems they find around them, make critical essays from the results of critical thinking and apply them in the form of project based learning. This gives students the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and develop skills through problem solving and investigation. itself shows that students have been able to apply the core of learning at SMA Pradita Dirgantara. It is hoped that SMA Pradita Dirgantara students become people who think critically and are innovative in solving problems, have a global mindset base, global leadership that is recognized internationally but still respects nature and culture “. Said Dr. Yulianto, Principal of SMA Pradita Dirgantara. (PR / SMA Pradita Dirgantara)