SMA PRADITA DIRGANTARA (Boyolali) – SMA Pradita Dirgantara students made another achievement in the field of science. Ardi Syahda Ahmad Hakim, a class XII student of SMA Pradita Dirgantara from Blitar Regency, won the Silver Medal in Physics at the 2020 National Science Competition (KSN) organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture’s National Achievement Center (Puspresnas). The theme of this year’s KSN is “Initiating Talents and Achievements in Science, Technology, Research and Innovation during the Pandemic Period”.
Opik Prasetyo, S.Pd, as the supervisor of the KSN SMA Pradita Dirgantara team, explained that the competition was held in several stages, starting from the District KSN, upgrading to the Provincial Level and then to the National Level. At the district level at that time there were 35 SMA Pradita Dirgantara students who took part in the selection, and 19 of them passed to the provincial level, then 4 of them advanced to the national level. 4 SMA Pradita Dirgantara students who took part in the National KSN, namely Ardi Syahda Ahmad Hakim in Physics, Ruben Manuel Sitorus in Physics, Nabila Shafia in Biology, and Kevin Adrian Rizona Putra in the Informatics Sector. Of the 4 students, Ardi won the Silver Medal.
“I feel grateful for the achievements made by Ardi and the KSN team. This is the result of the seriousness of students in learning, as well as the role of the teachers and schools in supporting and supporting every talent possessed by students so that they can develop optimally. Hopefully this can motivate other students to continue their enthusiasm for learning and achievement, and bring the good name of SMA Pradita Dirgantara to be better known by the community, ”said Opik.
“The selection for the competition that I participated in was gradual, starting from the city, province to national level. The purpose of this competition is to select children who will be included in international Olympics such as IPhO, IBO, or IMO. When I joined the national competition, I was very excited, because physics is the field with the least number of questions, but the time is quite long. At the national level, the number of questions is only 5 but the time is 5 hours. Even though the time is quite long, when working on these questions sometimes I also experience difficulties and even banking, plus a bold system that requires us to work in sequence according to the number of questions, we need the right strategy to do it well, ”said Ardi.
This KSN preparation took 2 weeks and before that, Ardi had read and studied KSN questions in the previous year. “This year there are 4 modeling questions and one textbook question which in my opinion is quite difficult, but also fun to add to the experience of working on questions.” Ardi explained. The role of the school, according to Ardi, is to support its students and students in one of the special tutoring for the Olympics. Ardi added that the school has never participated in its students to have to win the competition it has participated in. The school greatly facilitates student activities. “My hope is that my friends, especially the juniors who participate in many competitions, will not lose even if they lose, because we will get experience and fighting spirit from there. The spirit not to be outdone by others, the spirit to compete and show the best. “Concluded Ardi.
“We are proud and grateful for the achievements made by the KSN team, especially Ardi Syahda Ahmad Hakim who won a silver medal in the National KSN for Physics 2020. From the start, Ardi has indeed shown his talent and motivation to participate in KSN Physics. With enthusiasm, motivation, good time management, and support from the teachers and the school, finally Ardi can make the school proud through his achievements. Hopefully this can motivate all Pradita Dirgantara High School students to learn and achieve according to the talents possessed by each student. And we from the school will certainly provide support to all students who can excel in various fields and level competitions in order to achieve the vision and mission of the school. “Said Ir. Nuryati Istiana, Deputy Principal of Student Affairs SMA Pradita Dirgantara. (PR / SMA Pradita Dirgantara)