Impressive! Pradita Dirgantara High School Student Zahrani Secures Bronze in FLS2N 2023

Zahrani's achievement stands as a testament to the power of art in challenging prevalent societal stigmas. Zahrani Dwi Aryanti, known as Zahra, has clinched a bronze medal at the FLSN2 2023 event.

Through her work titled "Dancing in the Fields of Dreams and Hopes," Zahrani narrates the story of Ikhwan Abdul Ahwid (Bebe), a dance art conservator from Belitung. With her creation, Zahra endeavour to challenge the effeminate stigma that Bebe encounters in his environment, emphasizing his remarkable qualities as a dancer.

"That evening, no music played in the café. Only the whispering wind accompanied my humble meeting with a male dancer, whose presence remains a rarity to this day." This is an intriguing snippet from Zahrani's work.

May Zahrani continue to refine her journalistic abilities and create further works that hold value for the broader community. It's crucial to recognize that journalistic pieces can serve as the catalyst for meaningful change, going beyond the mere presentation of facts and opinions. Congratulations, Zahrani. You've achieved it!

Selamat, Zahrani. You did it!

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