PRADITA DIRGANTARA SMA (Boyolali) – SMA Pradita Dirgantara held the 75th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony offline and online on Monday, 17 August 2020. The ceremony was chaired directly by the Director of Development of SMA Pradita Dirgantara, Mr. Dwi Agus Yulianto, Ph.D as a supervisor ceremony.
The independence day ceremony this time took place differently from the independence ceremony in previous years. Apart from being held in the auditorium room, the ceremony this time was also held online. Even though it was carried out offline, the ceremony in a COVID-19 pandemic situation took place while adhering to health protocols, such as washing hands first, wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing. The entire academic community of SMA Pradita Dirgantara participated in the independence day ceremony this time solemnly, both those who participated directly and those who followed online via zoom.
The text of the proclamation was read by Mr. Dwi Agus Yulianto, Ph.D as the supervisor of the ceremony. Mr. Dwi Agus Yulianto also conveyed his message about the meaning of independence in the present era. He said that what is meant by independence in the current era is when education in this country has reached all corners of the country, not only about access but also about quality and continuity. “Independence is when every person in this country can live a decent life, fulfilled the necessities of life with a good and lawful blessing,” continued Mr. Dwi in his mandate speech. In addition, Mr. Dwi Agus Yulianto also emphasized the diversity where in this free world, every citizen should be able and willing to respect and respect one another regardless of who they are and their background. Merdeka is a beauty about diversity in unity.
The interesting thing about the independence ceremony this time is that the entire academic community wears a variety of traditional clothes from various regions that illustrate the rich culture of the Indonesian state. By sticking to health protocols, the ceremony took place very lively but solemnly. The independence ceremony this time also involved students online. Students represented by Madha Fitrah from class XII delivered the oration on Independence. Poetry offerings by early grade XI class representatives and an acoustic guitar performance of national songs by Muhammad Azka, class X representative.
At 10:00 am WIB, all academics at SMA Pradita Dirgantara also attended the 75th Independence Celebration ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia at the State Palace via videotron. The series of events commemorating Indonesia’s 75th Independence Day was closed by holding a group photo session in front of the auditorium (PR SMA Pradita Dirgantara).