SMA Pradita Dirgantara Holds a Sports Activity Webinar to Overcome the Impact of Online Learning on Health

SMA PRADITA DIRGANTARA – “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” -Denis Waitley

SMA Pradita Dirgantara held a Webinar with the theme: “Sports Activities to Overcome the Impact of Online Learning on Health” on Saturday (26/09/2020). The webinars are conducted through the zoom meeting application for SMA Pradita Dirgantara academics and Youtube Live for the general public.

This webinar is part of a series of events commemorating National Sports Day. Some of the other activities carried out include a Healthy Run, Sports Photo Contest, E-Sports, Workout Challenge, serving healthy food, and the Pradita Sport Award. During the Covid19 pandemic, maintaining body immunity is done by maintaining health and physical fitness. In order to maintain good health and physical fitness, one of them is by fulfilling physical activity, namely by exercising. Exercise can also relieve boredom or stress when done as a physical activity that is fun and exhilarating.

In this Webinar event, the speakers who were presented were dr. Intan Suraya Ellyas, M.Or., Lecturer at the Faculty of Sports, Sebelas Maret University and moderated by Pandu Siawan, S.Pd., SMA Pradita Dirgantara teacher. Dr. Yulianto Hadi, as the Principal of SMA Pradita Dirgantara opened this webinar and said that the implementation of this event was aimed at providing insights to all academics of Pradita Dirgantara High School regarding health problems during the pandemic, especially during online learning. “Sports and health are inseparable cycles. We exercise so that the body becomes healthy. But we also need a healthy body so we can exercise. For that we have to exercise in the right way so that we can make our bodies healthy. ” Said he.

In his presentation, dr. Intan Suraya Ellyas, M.Or. submitted data related to PTM (Non-Communicable Diseases) which is often suffered by adolescents as a result of lack of exercise, for example overweight or obesity, to diabetes. The Ministry of Health released in Indonesia in July 2020 PTM tends to increase at the age of 10-14 years. He also conveyed regarding the results of research in May 2020 that there was an increase in physical inactivity and an increase in screen time in children during the Covid-19 pandemic which had an impact on both physical and mental health. “During the pandemic, both students and university students were forced to do online learning, this had an impact on health, most importantly the impact on eye health because the intensity of children looking at the screen of the device became more frequent. In addition, children also became rarely moves and sits steadily for a long time. ” Said Dr. Intan.

Several alternative solutions were presented by dr. Diamond is related to this, namely by applying the 20-20 pattern during online learning. In the duration of time every 20 minutes, relaxation should be done. Relaxation can be done in various ways. Eye relaxation, for example, can be done by looking at things other than the screen of the device. Meanwhile, physical relaxation can be done by stretching the muscles. dr. Intan also provides several alternative sports that can be done during the pandemic, for example, workouts, aerobic exercise, and even games that are accompanied by physical activity.

The webinar event was closed with the reading of the announcements of winners from various competitions in the framework of the 2020 Haornas, namely winners for the categories of Healthy Run, Sports Photo Contest, E-Sports, Workout Challenge, serving Healthy Food, and the Pradita Sport Award. (PR / SMA Pradita Dirgantara)

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