SMA Pradita Dirgantara Discusses Tempe Modernization for the Functional Food Industry in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

“Kerja itu adalah cinta yg mengejawantah, maka jika kau tiada sanggup menjalankannya, lebih baik jika kau meninggalkannya, lalu mengambil tempat di depan gapura candi menyediakan sedekah kepada orang-orang yang bisa bekerja atas nama cinta kepada bangsanya dan kepada Tuhannya” — Sutanto

SMA PRADITA DIRGANTARA (Boyolali) – “Modernization of Tempe for the Functional Food Industry in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era” became the theme of the Webinar event held by SMA Pradita Dirgantara. This activity took place on Friday (2/10/2020) through the Zoom Meeting application and also through a live broadcast on the Youtube channel. This webinar was held to commemorate National Farmers Day as well as part of the plan to develop SMA Pradita Dirgantara Soybean Bank, which is one of the top SMA’s.

The speech and at the same time the opening of the event was carried out by the Deputy Chairperson of Yasarini and the Chair of PIA Ardhya Garini, Mrs. Inong Fadjar Prasetyo. In her remarks, Mrs. Inong expressed her appreciation to the academics of SMA Pradita Dirgantara for organizing this webinar and hopes that this event will be a good starting point for developing the concept of the Soybean bank at SMA Pradita Dirgantara. This webinar presents an expert speaker Dr. Tempe. Atris Suyantohadi (Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University & Founder of Healthy Attempe-Tempe from local non-GMO soybeans) and Dr. Sutanto, DEA (Quality Assurance Manager SMA Pradita Dirgantara)

Dr. Sutanto as the first speaker explained the history of tempe in Indonesia. “It turns out that tempeh has been in Indonesia since the 18th century, it is stated in Serat Centhini written during the Pakubuwana V. Tempe era is one of the traditional culinary delights that are truly original to Indonesia.” Explained Dr. Sutanto.

Dr. Sutanto also conveyed about the Soybean Bank program at SMA Pradita Dirgantara, as a form of new learning concept during the pandemic, so that students are not stressed and can learn in an exciting way. In addition, the Soybean Bank program is a form of response to the behavior of soybean imports, which is still widely practiced. whereas the land in Indonesia is very possible if it is planted with soybeans. Even local soybeans have better quality than imported soybeans.

Bank Soybean is also a form of Integrated Contextual Learning at SMA Pradita Dirgantara. Through the Soybean Bank, students not only learn biology, but also study chemistry, mathematics, physics, and religion. Integrated contextual learning is offered so that students understand what is the point of learning knowledge through activities from planting soybeans to harvesting and will become a soybean bank if managed properly. “Through the Soybean Bank, it is hoped that in the future students can learn to respect this land and make this Soybean Bank a national movement. The greatness of this nation is determined by this nation itself. Let’s put together a concrete action, make it a real movement. This country will not fall into poverty if people think big for their nation, “concluded Dr. Sutanto.

Meanwhile, the speaker from UGM, Dr. Atris Suyantohadi explained about the development of local soybeans. Soybean itself is a very important ingredient for tempeh production. So far, the opinion that has emerged in the community is that local soybeans are not good enough. Even though tempe from local soybeans is in great demand by foreign consumers. Tempe, which comes from local soybeans, has more nutrition than imported soybeans. In 2015 the national production of local soybeans was in the range of 800 thousand tons, whereas the national demand reached 2.4 million tons, so that around 75% of the national demand was still met from imported soybeans.

Historically there has been an assumption that tempeh is an inexpensive, ordinary food. Even though the process from soybean to tempeh can reach the third generation. The first generation of tempeh is processed and the shape still looks like tempeh, for example, fried or made mendoan. The second generation of tempeh is still in the form of 60-100% tempe but its shape is no longer like tempe, for example, it is made of tempeh brownies which have high probiotic content. The further development of tempeh can be processed into functional food, meaning that it is not only food that has high nutritional value but also has an impact on prevention and treatment therein. Tempe contains probiotics and antioxidant compounds which are very high in increasing the function of tempeh itself. Even in the future, with this functional food, there is no need to consume fruit anymore, with tempeh alone, nutrition is sufficient.

With regard to modernization, making tempe must pay attention to hygiene and HACCP standards and have SOPs for making tempe and making healthy food certification. With local soybeans at a low price, it can become tempeh at a high price because of its function that is needed for health ..

“I really appreciate the Soybean Bank program that is being initiated by SMA Pradita Dirgantara. SMA Pradita Dirgantara can be a pioneer for other schools. The shrinking of soybean fields, the lack of interest in the younger generation who thoroughly explore the agricultural sector which is actually very promising and the basic foundation of Food Sovereignty in this country, Bank Soybean is a positive step from an extraordinary high school. “, Said Dr. Atris Suyantohadi. (PR / SMA Pradita Dirgantara)

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