Building Character in Students
Menjadi lembaga pendidikan menengah yang bereputasi di tingkat internasional dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi budaya nasional untuk menghasilkan calon pemimpin bangsa yang beriman, cerdas, kreatif, mandiri, dan berwawasan kedirgantaraan.

- To set up education based on the most recent advancements in science and technology while continuing to place a strong emphasis on strengthening religion and piety.
- To set up education with a global perspective based on the noble values of national culture.
- To encourage active, innovative, creative, efficient, and enjoyable learning in order to develop intelligent, creative, and independent students.
- To provide education that strengthens interests and talents, especially in the fields of arts, sports, academics, and leadership to encourage the emergence of a generation that is independent and successful in a variety of spheres of endeavor
- To create a conducive school ecosystem based on care, participation, and habituation.
Ari Presmena Tarigan
President & Development Director
Dr. Yulianto Hadi, M.M.