Boyolali Abraham Rivaldo (12th grade, Class B) and Trevor W. Orlando (11th grade, Class A), students from Pradita Dirgantara High School have achieved remarkable success at the 2021 World Mathematics Invitational (WMI). Rivaldo secured a silver medal, while Orlando earned a bronze.
In addition to their achievements, two other students, Aphrodity N. Putri (11th grade, Class A) and M. Fadhil Al-Ghani (11th grade, Class C), were also recognized with certificates of participation in this inaugural international mathematics competition hosted by Taiwan.
Rivaldo shared that, amidst the pandemic, he had ample time for independent study in mathematics, leading up to his participation in the competition.
"I've poured my utmost effort into this, and Alhamdulillah, I secured second place. Participants came from numerous countries. Hopefully, there will be more opportunities for me to take part in other championships and perhaps even earn a diamond medal," Rivaldo conveyed with enthusiasm upon receiving the medal directly from Taiwan on Thursday, September 2, 2021.
Meanwhile, Orlando pointed out that for some students, mathematics can be an intimidating subject. Yet, for Orlando, it is a truly enjoyable pursuit.
"If we have a genuine passion for something, we will undoubtedly give it our all. I've cherished mathematics since childhood, so I simply relish it," shared Orlando.
Zeni Rofikoh, the overseeing mathematics teacher for these four students, also highlighted that prior to the pandemic, the olympiad was held at a physical location with a large number of participants. In the era of the pandemic, the olympiad transitioned to an online format.
The challenge, as per Zeni, lies in the reliance on internet connectivity. Any disruption in the internet connection can be unsettling and lead to nervousness among the students.
Congratulations to all of you. A heartfelt thank you for bringing pride to the academic community of Pradita Dirgantara High School.