The Archipelago's Best Talent

Did you know that SMA PD students were from all over the country?

Yes! The goal of this school's founding was to draw the greatest students from throughout the country. As a result, you shouldn't be shocked to learn that students from Java, Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, and other regions will be joining you at SMA PD. What a thrilling experience for someone your age to be in high school!

Why can it be considered that the most outstanding representatives from each region are SMA PD students? In Indonesia, there are a good number of boarding schools similar to SMA PD. However, the standards for becoming a student at SMA PD are quite high. What are the criteria?

  • Having average score of 90 for Mathematics, Science, and English
  • You need to have an average of 90 for the three subjects in order to be accepted as a PD SMA student. You won't be allowed to register in the first place if your grades do not fulfill these requirements. This is the proof that this school has high standards to ensure its students have high academic quality.

  • Becoming an outstanding student since junior high school
  • To register as a student at SMA PD, there is one special path which is "Achievement path". This is specifically for prospective students who have achievements at national and international levels that are recognized by Puspresnas. The red carpet is waiting for you if you are national champions in these two science competitions.

  • Having a minimum IQ level of 115
  • To be accepted to SMA PD, students must meet high academic requirements in addition to having their IQ evaluated. The goal is to produce students who can think, behave rationally, follow instructions, and control their environment more effectively.

    Those are the 3 reasons why studying at SMA Pradita Dirgantara is the best choice after graduating from junior high school. For those of you who want to stay tuned with news from SMA PD, you can check our website and Instagram!

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