Best Practices Competition for Educators at Pradita Dirgantara High School

lomba best practice guru sma pradita dirgantara

Teachers play a pivotal role in their students' lives. They not only serve as educators but often also take on the roles of mentors, advisors, and sources of moral support. Now, more than ever, educators are entrusted with the task of keeping students engaged and learning, even in the midst of educational uncertainties and transitions. Given their unique position in students' lives, teachers are exceptionally well-equipped to help students excel in academic competitions. Simultaneously, competitions can streamline teachers' lives by providing readily available activities, lesson plans, and virtual project-based learning experiences.

In line with this objective, Pradita Dirgantara High School consistently offers support and attention towards enhancing the teaching quality of its high school educators. On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, Pradita Dirgantara High School organized a "Best-Practices for Teacher" competition. In this competition, teachers showcased their most effective teaching experiences through active, creative, and innovative utilization, design, and application of approaches, methods, techniques, strategies, and teaching modules.

The participants who excelled and emerged as winners are as follows:

1st Place. : Ira Hapsari, S.Pd.
Runner Up : Biology Team (Denny M. Fajar, M.Sc., Opik Prasetyo S.Pd., Erni Purnasari S.Pd.)
3rd Place. : Andriana Vita N., M.Hum.
1st Place : Abdulkarim Z Ahmadi, M.Pd.
2nd Place : Zeni Rofiqoh, M.Sc.

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