SMA Pradita Dirgantara Holds a Webinar and Sharing Session with Expert: Exploring Medical Education and its Research

SMA PRADITA DIRGANTARA (Boyolali) – SMA Pradita Dirgantara held a Seminar and Sharing Session with Expert entitled “Exploring Medical Education and its Research”, on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. The event, which was held through the Zoom application, presented a speaker, dr. Erfen Gustiawan Suwangto, Sp.DLP, SH, MH (Kes), FISCM who works as a doctor, lawyer, lecturer, entrepreneur and also a health consultant. The purpose of this event is to introduce the medical profession, medical education and research in the medical field so that it can inspire the students of SMA Pradita Dirgantara to gain knowledge and experts.

dr. Erfen pursued a Bachelor of Medicine at Atma Jaya Catholic University, a Bachelor of Law at the Faculty of Law, Bung Karno University, a Masters in Law in Health Law at Soegijapranata Catholic University. Masters in Primary Services Physician at Padjadjaran University and Ph.D Bioethics, Sustainability and Global Public Health, at the American University of Sovereign Nations. Before explaining the medical profession, he said that based on an analysis of people’s behavior in developed countries, it turns out that the majority of the population daily follows / obeys the basic principles of life, namely ethics, honesty and integrity, responsibility, respect for the rules and laws of society, respect on the rights of other people / citizens, love work, strive to save and invest, and want to work hard. In his presentation, he discussed what kind of medical profession was and said that being a doctor should not only be seen from the profession which is considered great, but requires ethics to anticipate his life. “Doctors must have a strong mentality, must have responsibility, must have certain intentions because any profession can be useful. Even if you are a doctor who is considered a prestige profession in society, you must have other abilities. ” said dr. Erfen.

dr. Erfen explained the data that in mid-2015 there were more than 130,000 doctors registered at the Indonesian Medical Council with more than 35,000 specialized doctors. For doctors who want a career as a specialist, there is a structured education. Quoting the theory of George Miller which states that there are 4 levels of ability of medical students who follow medical education. These levels are beginners, who are able to understand medical science, then increase to be able to understand medical skills, able to perform and demonstrate their ability to manage patients then become experts by being able to manage patients independently, routinely and thoroughly in the practice place according to their specialties. In the Specialist Doctor Education stage, dr. Erfen said that there were 3 stages, namely the enrichment stage, the apprenticeship stage and the practical stage.

After pursuing a medical degree, he studied law. dr.Erfen became a doctor who not only treated patients but also developed technology. He develops public health service applications and also applies technology in those services. He suggested not only mastering one professional field, but also other professions or expertise in order to develop. “You don’t have to be a doctor, but you are also expected to be engineers who develop medical devices. Do not be mistaken for the doctor who developed the medical equipment. Medical devices are developed by engineers. ” Said dr. Erfen.

SMA Pradita Dirgantara applies Global Competencies as part of graduation from SMA Pradita Dirgantara. In implementing Global Competencies, there are 5 media / activities used, namely Critical Essays, Project Based Services, Generale Stadium, English Course and Cross Cultural Understanding. From global competencies, students are expected to have 9 skills, namely curiosity, imagination, inquiry, critical thinking, communicative, accessing and analyzing information, agility & adaptability, collaboration & leading by influence, complex problem solving, creative & productive.

What was conveyed by Dr. Erfen was in line with what SMA Pradita Dirgantara had aspired through 9 skills in global competencies, one of which was implemented through project base service and critical essays. After this activity, SMA Pradita Dirgantara students were asked to make a resume from the material presented and make or compile a research idea. Students are asked to make a critical essay in order to have more structured thinking skills (Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive, Prescriptive). After the critical essay, there are project base service activities to grow and improve the power of communication, access and analyze information, solve complex, creative & productive problems (initiative & entrepreneurship) from SMA Pradita Dirgantara students.

“When critical essays and project base service are further developed, students will be asked to write scientific papers, and it will be linear with what we learned today. We’ll try to come up with an idea. ” explained Mrs. Zeni Rofiqoh, S.Pd., M.Sc., a math teacher at Pradita Dirgantara High School who was also the moderator for the webinar. (Engineer / Public Relations / SMA Pradita Dirgantara)

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