SMA PRADITA DIRGANTARA (Boyolali) – SMA Pradita Dirgantara held an activity to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in 1442 Hijriah, on 29/10/2020, with the theme “Making a Figure of the Prophet Muhammad as an Example in Living in a Pandemic Era”. This activity was carried out offline and online, attended by SMA Pradita Dirgantara students and all teachers and employees.
The head of the committee in this activity, Hervira, a class XI student of SMA Pradita Dirgantara, gave a big welcome through a zoom meeting.
Dr. Yulianto Hadi, MM. Principal of SMA Pradita Dirgantara in his speech conveyed the example of the Prophet that needs to be applied in everyday life.
The activity that was followed by students of class XII offline at the Al-Hadi mosque of SMA Pradita Dirgantara, as well as students of class X and XI online through zoom meting from their respective homes began with a prayer reading from Muslim Ambassador Pradita Dirgantara SMA, a student on behalf of Judha class X, followed by recitation of the Koran by Syahrian, a class XI student and Leyga, a class X student, the winner of the Recitation Competition during last year’s Muharram Festival. The committee also delivered a story telling which aims to inspire students’ enthusiasm to imitate the Prophet’s character in preaching.
The main event in this activity was filled by Abdulkarim Zulfa Ahmadi, M.Pd., Islamic Religion teacher at SMA Pradita Dirgantara. Abdulkarim conveyed about how to imitate the Prophet during a pandemic. When Umar bin Khattab became the second caliph, he had traveled to Shams, then got the news that there was an epidemic of disease, so he got the hadith information from Abdurrahman bin Auf, that the Messenger of Allah had said “If you hear that a country has a plague, then don’t you heading there, but if he infects a country and you are in it, then don’t you go out and run from him. “(Sahih Bukhari: 5288/7008).
During this pandemic, we need to imitate one of the hadiths of the Prophet so that we do not enter a zone that is known to have contracted the Corona virus, if we are in that zone, we must be patient that it is a trial from Allah SWT and pray that Allah will forgive the sins that have been committed. we have done and hope to get the blessing of Allah SWT.
Besides that, we also need to increase our worship, both mahdhoh and muamalah worship in our daily life.
The series of commemorative events was continued with a quiz for all participants of the tabligh akbar through a media quizizz, with the first prize for mountain shoes, second winner for sleeping bag hammock (sleepmock), and third winner (hammock).
The proverb says that science without religion is blind, religion without knowledge is paralyzed, in the sense that science and religion must be balanced so that there is harmony in living life.
Commemoration of the Prophet’s Birthday is a form of learning at SMA Pradita Dirgantara to accustom students to focus not only on intellectual, social and intelligent aspects of psychology, but students must also have religiousity as the foundation for a global mindset and global leadership, so that Pradita Dirgantara High School students can recognized internationally, in accordance with SMA Pradita Dirgantara’s vision and mission to fly worldwide. (PR / SMA Pradita Dirgantara)